We trust in People

We trust in Meaningful Work

We trust in Co-creating a Better World

We trust in People
We trust in Meaningful Work
We trust in Co-creating a Better World


We collaborate with a broad range of organizations, in many different industries, in the public and private sectors.


We have assignments all over the world. We are based in Helsingborg and Gotland, Sweden, and in Alicante, Spain.

Individual & organizational growth

We have more than 30 years experience of working with organizational and individual change and growth.

Our offer

Team power
Helping teams to create more courageous, candid and caring relationships – expanding the value for those they serve.

Designing and facilitating meaningful involvement processes, online and face-to-face, to enable sustainable change & transformation.

Coaching &
Supporting individuals with different needs through Coaching, Leadership support, and Psychotherapy.

Designing and facilitating learning activities that are closely connected to your reality and needs.

Designing and facilitating task-focussed meetings, online and face-to-face.

Our offer

Team power
Helping teams to create more courageous, candid and caring relationships – expanding the value for those they serve.
Designing and facilitating meaningful involvement processes, online and face-to-face, to enable sustainable change and transformation.
Coaching &
Supporting individuals with different needs through Coaching, Leadership support, and Psychotherapy.

Designing and facilitating learning activities that are closely connected to your reality and needs.

Designing and facilitating task-focussed meetings, online and face-to-face.

What our clients say about us


About Greta Rask

Greta is on a never-ending quest, seeking to understand how we can create organizations that allow us to be our full selves at work. And create value for those we serve - together.

She also supports individuals through personal difficulties and meaningful growth. She has lived and worked on all continents. She writes insightful and accessible books and articles about change, conscious involvement and teampower.

About Göran Berg

Göran creates spaces where we can learn more about ourselves, heal our wounds, become who we really are, and live a life that resonates with our longing.

Göran grew up in Gotland, an island east of the Swedish mainland. His corporate career has enabled him to live and work in many parts of the world. He has always nurtured a passion for people – our personal growth and well-being.


Meetings with Meaning -
A Guide to Strategic Collaboration

Förändringskraft i en ny tid - Medvetet utvecklingsarbete och möten med mening (Swedish)

Teamkraft för en ny tid - Träningsprogram för team som vill stärka sina samarbetsmuskler (Swedish)

cups of coffee this week
years of experience

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Do you want to explore how we can collaborate?

Meetings with Meaning - A Guide to Strategic Collaboration

Förändringkraft i en ny tid - Medvetet utvecklingsarbete och möten med mening (Komlitt 2018)

Vi behöver varandra. Dagens utmaningar och möjligheter låter sig inte hanteras inom en avdelning, inom en yrkesgrupp, inom en organisation, eller ens inom ett land. Vi behöver lyssna in behov långt från maktens centrum, vi behöver tillvarata idéer som föds i periferin, vi behöver påverka och låta oss påverkas i samverkan, och våra organisationer behöver göra det möjligt.

Den här boken ger dig praktisk vägledning i hur vi kan skapa förutsättningar för att forma framtiden tillsammans.

Målgrupper: Framtidsaktivister, ledare, chefer, processledare, förändringsagenter, sociala aktivister, HR, organisationskonsulter med flera.

Teamkraft för en ny tid - Träningsprogram för team som vill stärka sina samarbetsmuskler (Komlitt, 2021)

Vi står mitt i en möjlighet att skapa något mycket bättre. Modigare, ärligare och omsorgsfullare relationer. Vilket skapar mänskligare och klokare arbetsplatser. Vilket i sin tur skapar en lite bättre värld.

Låt oss välkomna varandra som hela människor på jobbet – med vår uppmärksamhet, våra idéer, vår oro, våra drömmar, våra egenheter, vår drivkraft och vår potential.

I komplexa system är det kvaliteten på samspelet som gör skillnad. Relationer definierar vår kollektiva potential. Det här är en bok om relationer. Om relationen till oss själva, till våra närmaste kollegor, till våra arbetsuppgifter och till dem vi finns till för.

The book is not yet published in English but to get a taste, you can download the introduction to the book on the link below or email me for more information.

Team power for a new era - Workouts for teams that want to strengthen their collaboration muscles

We are in the midst of an opportunity to create something much better. Braver, more honest and more caring relationships. Which creates more humane and wiser workplaces. Which in turn creates a slightly better world.

Let us welcome one another as whole human beings at work – with our attention, our ideas, our concerns, our dreams, our quirks, our drive and our potential.

In complex systems, it is the quality of the interaction that makes the difference. Relationships define our collective potential. This is a book about relationships. About the relationship to ourselves, to our closest colleagues, to our tasks and to those we are here to serve.

Some readers' voices: